IU Day: Social Media for Social Good

IU Day: Social Media for Social Good

Social media is now commonly used in all levels of the society around the world and
in fact it has become an indispensable necessity for many people. It serves as a virtually unlimited communication tool that provides convenience for interacting and bridging people to connect. However, despite the benefits from social media usage, on the other side of the coin, there are certain consequences that have developed from irresponsible use of social media, particularly among the younger generation.

Event: Internship

Event: Internship

Sebagai tindak lanjut dari Pilot Program Magang/Internship Yayasan Alumni IU Indonesia (Yayasan) di tahun 2016 yang lalu, kembali di tahun 2017 ini, sebagai bagian dari Program Tahun 2017, Yayasan membuka kesempatan bagi para Alumni IU asal Indonesia yang membutuhkan tenaga- tenaga magang mahasiswa Indiana University asal Indonesia untuk bekerja magang di perusahaan-perusahaan para Alumni.