who we are
We are the official Indonesia Chapter of Indiana University Alumni Association. Home to more than 1,200 of Indonesian IU alums and is constantly growing.
indonesia chapter highlight video
Yayasan Alumni IU Indonesia strives to be the place for our fellow alums to create impact to our fellow alums,
to our country, and to our alma mater.
H. Abdul Kadir
Sidharta Akmam
Alan JT Darmawan
Advising Committee
Bambang Winarso Panutomo
Michael Agoes Wangsapoetra
Andy Kelana
Thomas Yaputra
Monitoring Committee
Indiah Marsaban
Marcia Moniaga
Working committee
Dhiny Novianti
Vice President 2
Yohanes Mangitung
Vice President 1
Andries Sibarani
Jessie Catrine
Ade Hastuti
Alumni Relations & Alumnas
Reiner B. Riantan
Jusman Hutama
Internship, Permias and BIG 10
Aprilageng “Choky” Sarwoadhi
Melanie Tee
Institutional Relations
Siti P. Syahwali
J. Anne Arbali
Marketing & Communications
T. Emily Wattimena
Thia Lubis
Tri Djoko Wahjono
Internal Events
Feilica Chandradinata
Jimmy Yulius
Joan Anggraeni
Business Development
Budi Limansubroto
Cintya Hanasusanto
Bandung Chapter
Ivana Hartanto
Surabaya Chapter
Thedosian Sukardi
Yulia Endriyani
Johanes Reza
Yogyakarta Chapter
Adnan Zaid
Hosted 100+ Alumni events, touching hundreds of Indonesian IU Alumni (Career Talks, Hoosier Hour, etc)
Established joint projects with IU ASEAN Gateway and 10+ IU Chapters across Asia Pacific.
Successfully hosted the 2015 Indiana University Asia-Pacific Conference in Bali, Indonesia, among other International Events.
Strengthening networks by joining the Indonesian B1G10 Initiatives by other Indonesian B1G10 school Alumni Chapters (University of Michigan, Purdue University, Ohio State University, etc)
Pioneered the “From Alumni to Future Alumni” Internship+ program for 4 years, as well as the B1GWorks initiatives with other B1G10 Alumni, involving 45+ IU students and 20+ companies.
Organized events to celebrate the annual #IUDay.
Hosted IU MBA Globase program in the past 2 years; 80+ students and 20+ companies participated.
Started the Alumni Social Responsibility Program, which has created impact in education field in more than 10 cities in Indonesia.
Raised IDR 240+ mio in 2020 for 18 hospitals across Indonesia to fight against COVID-19.
Organized seminars and webinars to local schools and university involving Indonesian IU Alumni.
Hosted various Hoosier Hour events aimed to bring fellow Indonesia Hoosiers closer and to reconnect.