Rest in Peace Prof. Dr. Djamaluddin Ancok

In memory of him, let us reminisce his words :

Pemimpin itu harus percaya diri, berdiri di atas kaki sendiri : "The leader must be confident, stand on their own two feet."

Leader itu harus rela anak buahnya lebih pintar dari dirinya : "The leader must be willing to have subordinates who are smarter than themselves."

Jangan pernah merasa minder. Karena kita adalah keturunan hebat, layaknya nenek moyang kita yang sanggup mengarungi lautan : “Never feel inferior. Because we are descendants of greatness, just like our ancestors who were able to sail the ocean.”

Prof. Dr. Djamaluddin Ancok was a distinguished professor at Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta. He earned his PhD degree at Indiana University in 1982. He has passed away on March 15, 2024. He has compiled numerous renowned books that have become essential references on campus.